Welcome to the Black Wolf Supply Store!

Due to current market conditions and unprecedented increase in demand for our products we have a 3-4 business day backlog of orders to process. Our suppliers are also working hard to get the large amount of orders shipped to us. This website is designed for military, first responders and outdoor enthusiast. First time buyers, please look in your Spam email for order confirmation, after processing you will receive a tracking email when the item ships. We do Not accept returns on firearm parts/accessories or knives. Please use this website as a tool to find products you need. Browse our Brand list. If you need an obscure, hard to find part, we can probably find it for you and give you a great deal!

Shipping Information

We only ship to USA residents. Absolutely no freight forwarding addresses.


In an effort to help reduce credit card fraud if your billing and shipping addresses do not match we will send you an email to notify you of the difference and ask for clarification of the different addresses.

If you have questions please email pob@blackwolfsupply.com with part number or description of product you are looking for.



Due to the recent legislation passed by Illinois lawmakers (House Bill 5471) and Washington State lawmakers (House Bill 1240), Black Wolf Supply is unable to ship restricted products to Illinois & Washington State residents. We are monitoring these situations closely in hopes that this is overturned in short order***

New & Popular Items

Featured Products This month

Proud Supporter of Heroes and Horses Combat Veteran Charity. Please support, share and donate to this wonderful organization!

Check out Micah Fink’s (USN SEAL Retired) Yeti Video below:

Please watch the newly released documentary here:



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